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Since opening to the public in October of 1992, the Museum has staged numerous exhibits, each focusing on a different artist, project or aspect of contemporary comic book & fantasy illustration. Over the coming weeks, Museum curators will be adding graphics, press releases and photographs from each of these physical exhibits. The archive created will be the most complete overview of original comic book artwork exhibits in the world.

October 9, 1992 - January 5, 1993

Grand Opening Exhibit

(Michael Ploog, Jack Kirby, Bill Sienkiewicz, Paul Mavrides, Gilbert Shelton, John Severin, Mark Martin & Wally Wood)

January 7 - March 14, 1993

The Artwork of Simon Bisley

March 18 - May 16, 1993

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ... Back in Time

May 18 - August 8, 1993

War No More

(George Pratt, Bill Sienkiewicz, Jack Kirby, John Severin & Frank Redondo)

August 10 - October 2, 1993

Aliens : Out of Space

(Steve Bissette, Dave Dorman, Mark Nelson & Mark Verheiden)

October 5 - December 12, 1993

Swamp Thing : A Retrospective

(Bernie Wrightson, John Totleben, Michael Zulli, Steve Bissette & Rick Veitch)

December 14 - January 29, 1994

Jurassic Art

(William Stout, James Gurney, Mark Schultz, Paul Mavrides, Hal Robbins,
Phil Yeh, Steve Bissette, Vaughn Bode & Bernie Wrightson)

February 1 - April 4, 1994

Heavy Metal Nightmare : The Art of Richard Corben

April 6 - May 7, 1994

King of Comics...A Tribute to Jack Kirby

May 10 - July 9, 1994

The Crow

(James O'Barr)

July 12 - September 11, 1994

Melting Pot

(Simon Bisley, Kevin Eastman & Eric Talbot)

December 31, 1994

Grand Re-opening Exhibit - including the introduction of the Permanent Exhibit

March 21 - May 14, 1995

Tank Girl

(Jamie Hewlett, Alan Martin)

April 1 - May 14, 1995

Steven and Other Idiots

(Doug Allen)

May 16 - June 11, 1995

Mass. Illustrators Guild Tenth Annual Show

(20 award winning local fantasy & children's book illustrators)

June 13 - July 16, 1995

Dream Weavers

co curated by Charles Vess & Cindi DiMarzo (Brian Froud, Michael Kaluta, Terry Windling and others) & featuring 15 of today's top fantasy illustrators.

July 18 - October 1, 1995

The Art of Frank Miller

(Frank Miller, Bill Sienkiewicz & Klaus Janson)

October 3 - December 3, 1995

Bodes Otherground

(Vaughn & Mark Bode)

September 5 - Christmas 1995


(Kevin Eastman, Mark Martin & Paul Jenkins)

December 7 - February 11, 1996

Classic Comics - A Selection of Stories From EC Comics

(Frank Frazetta, Al Williamson, Jack Davis, Wally Wood, John Severin & Roy Krenkle)

February 15 - May 5, 1996

Image Extraordinaire

(Erik Larsen, Jim Lee, Rob Liefeld, Travis Charest, Thom Coker,
Troy Hubbs, Sam Kieth and others)

May 8 - June 16, 1996

Stiletto Heroes


June 20 - August 18, 1996

Read Minds - Cerebus

(Dave Sim and Gerhard)

August 29 - October 13, 1996

Women In Comics

(Mary Fleener, Marie Severin, Trina Robbins, Diane DiMassa and others)

September 27, - Christmas 1996

Artwork from Madman

(Mike Allred)

October 16 - November 24

Oliphant - The New World Order in Drawing & Sculpture

(Patrick Oliphant)

November 29 - February 2, 1997


(Jeff Smith)

February 6 - April 6, 1997

Fax From Sarajevo

(Joe Kubert)

April 10 - June 1, 1997

Restless Joy

(Paul Mavrides)

June 5 - September 14, 1997

Batman & The Batmobile

(various artists)

September 1996

Spotlight: Members Party Artists

(Ben Edlund, Evan Dorkin, Sarah Dyer, David Lapham)

September 18 - November 16, 1997

Heavy Metal: Celebrating Twenty Years

December 4 - February 1, 1998

Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation

introducing Venus De Milo

Opened May 16, 1998

Spotlight: Dawn

(Joe Michael Linsner)

Opened May 20, 1998

Spotlight: The Art of Godzilla

(Bob Eggleton)

Opened May 30, 1998

The Best of Fantagraphics

Curated in partnership with Gary Groth
(Peter Bagge, Dan Clowes, Mary Fleener, Gilbert & Jaime Hernandez, others)

Summer 1998

Spotlight: Superman and Alex Ross

Opened August 21, 1998

Spotlight: Peter Bagge & Hate

September 18 - January 1999

Marvel Knights

(Joe Quesada, Jimmy Palmiotti, Mark Texeira, Bernie Wrightson,
Joe Jusko, Jae Lee and others)

October 15, 1998 - January 1999

Creepy & Eerie with Richard Corben

Opened November 6, 1998

Spotlight: The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane

(Gary Gianni)

Feb 20, 1999 - March 16

Next Step 3 - Work by contemporary African American Artists & Writers

(Rob Stull, Hannibal King, Brian Stelfreeze and others)

March 18 - June 5, 1999

The Fantasy Artwork of Michael Whelan

April 1999

Spotlight: Dave DeVries & Tom Fleming

June 1999

Spotlight: Planet Racers

(Peter Laird & Jim Lawson)

June 10 - July 16, 1999

A Look Back - A Retrospective Exhibit

(various artists)

February 2000

Virtual Exhibits and Archives Open to the public


The Words & Pictures Museum is a non-profit organization.
All artwork is © the respective artists and/or publishers.
Content is © the Words & Pictures Museum.

All rights reserved.

Any questions regarding the content of this site should be
directed to: info@wordsandpictures.org

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